Learn from Michelle

When the Artist's Heart Sings

Girl with highlight
“The painter will produce pictures of little merit if he takes the works of others as his standard.” ― Leonardo da Vinci
There is a fine balance between imitating other painters and finding your own artistic style. Imitation is important for learning and feeling out different styles of art, but (I think) for every artist, one of the ultimate goals is daring to be different.
You want to stand out and break the mold a little bit from the norm and spotlight yourself and your work.
There is a different type of praise offered and shared when we reach this level of artistic growth. That doesn't make our season of growth any less valuable because we needed it to get where we are now.
But the feeling when you break through and create something worthy of this new kind of praise? That praise doesn't even compare to the feeling inside as your artist's heart sings with joy.
Hand-painted in Adobe Photoshop CC using a Wacom Intuos Pro and the Wacom Art Pen.
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