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Hey y'all! Welcome!

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In the meantime, you can join the VIP waiting list so you'll be one of the first to receive the enrollment application!

Don't be limited by pre-made brushes or a lack of a traditional art education!  Join us and take your work "Beyond the Brushes."


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Beyond the brushes is a monthly membership program where you'll learn the skills necessary to create hand rendered, mixed media artwork.  The goal is to become a master painter in Photoshop -- also known as a Photoshop Artisan. 

Elevate Your Art Magazine

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Common Misconceptions...

"I don't have any talent. I'll never be able to do it."

Talent is nothing more than a pursued interest.  If you can follow simple directions, you can learn to paint in Photoshop!

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"This is going to take too much time to learn."

The lessons inside Beyond the Brushes will build your skills efficiently with as little as 60 minutes per week practice.

"I can't draw stick people."

With Photoshop painting, Z.E.R.O. drawing skills are required. Using clone painting methods, your subject is brought in like magic!

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"I don't understand art principles."

ZERO previous art experience is required! Inside Beyond the Brushes there's an entire series of simple exercises to expand your skills to their maximum potential.

"It's overwhelming and too complicated to learn."

How do you eat an elephant? One small bite at a time. Every lesson is designed to incrementally increase your skill, while building confidence in your brushwork. 

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"Why waste my time when clients won't want it?"

More affordable than oil on canvas with very similar look, these paintings practically sell themselves!  Set your business apart from the competition by offering this high end product.

"How do I find my own style?"

Begin by learning where current ideas about art come from.  Then simple lessons on Art History will give your style direction while showcasing the best paintings created throughout history.

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The world of art doesn't need another Rembrandt, Warhol, Picasso, or Kahlo. 

The world of art needs YOU!

We will find the artist hidden inside you together.

What can I expect to learn inside Beyond the Brushes?

Beyond the Brushes has been designed from the ground up to give you everything you'll need to become a master Photoshop Artisan.  From the basic fundamentals of Photoshop, all the way through the most advanced concepts, you'll be guided step by step to finding your own unique style to become a Photoshop Artisan.

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Bite-Sized Lessons

Lessons designed to fit into busy schedules on Photoshop Painting, the Elements of Art, Art History, and more -- all designed to advance your skill without being overwhelming!

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Join a bustling community of others that are on the same journey to become a Photoshop Artisan!  There's even a mobile app to keep you connected!

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Live Sessions

Live demonstrations, critiques, goal building sessions, contests, awards, cheat sheets, brushes -- you name it, we've got it!  And it's all inside the membership!

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Track Your Progress

Inside Beyond the Brushes, you'll find a personalized progress tracker that will automatically update as you progress through the program.  Unlocking medallions shows all your hard work!

Print Certificates of Completion

You've done the work, and now you need a way to show it off!  Inside Beyond the Brushes, as you complete each milestone, you'll be able to print a customized certificate of completion.  Print and display with pride!

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Wouldn't an in-person workshop give me everything I need to become a master in a matter of days?

In all honesty - No. 

  • mastery of skills takes time
  • skills are incremental and build on each other
  • retention of skills doesn't happen in a week

Mastering each stage of skills before progressing is the key to success!

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Beyond the Brushes is a monthly membership program where you'll learn the skills necessary to create hand rendered, mixed media artwork.  The goal is to become a master painter in Photoshop -- also known as a Photoshop Artisan. 

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Join the VIP waiting list now so you'll be one of the first to receive the enrollment application!


There are two ways to paint in Photoshop CC...

Clone Painting

With clone painting, you do NOT need any drawing skills.  You start with a photograph and hand paint OVER the photograph bringing in your subject like magic and eliminating the most difficult stage of learning to paint -- the ability to draw!


If you have more of an artistic background and some basic drawing skills, it is absolutely possible to paint beautiful works freehand in Photoshop CC.  As a matter a fact - the image at the top of this page is 100% freehand!


While most students in Beyond the Brushes opt for clone painting, there is absolutely enough latitude for those that wish to tackle freehand work once the tools are mastered!

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Content

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Beyond the Brushes is more than just a class!

Most online classes are just a one way street...

You buy. You watch. The end.

Not with Beyond the Brushes.

In our thriving membership, learning to paint in Photoshop is accomplished in a close-knit community. It's more than rules, it's more than tools, it's more than technique... It is SO much more than that.

It's eye opening, "ah-ha" moments that spark the fire to learn!

You're not alone anymore...

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While the video classes are the foundation of Beyond the Brushes, I am most excited to share the private, online community!

Creative people need to be with other creative people in a creative space! Let me tell y’all — with all the negativity, ads, and suchlike — Facebook ain’t it!

When you join Beyond the Brushes, you’ll receive an exclusive invitation to join the privately hosted, online community.  It’s a great place where you can find like minded friends, get tips and tricks from myself and others, register for live classes, enter contests, get critique, share works in progress... the list goes on and on!  

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We're Mobile!

The Beyond the Brushes Community has a *MOBILE APP* with push notifications to help you stay connected when you’re on the go! πŸ™Œ

It’s like Facebook — only better!

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The #1 Question Regarding the Community

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Equipment

Who is Beyond the Brushes designed for?

Hands up if you can relate...

βœ“   You need an educational schedule that fits into your busy life.

βœ“   Traveling to a multi-day workshop doesn’t fit your budget or job constraints at this time.

βœ“   You cringe at the thought of another wasted class that leaves you unable to implement the techniques on your own.

βœ“   You love painting but find yourself frustrated or feeling limited by your knowledge of Photoshop.

βœ“   You like to work at home in your PJ’s. πŸ™Œ← TWO hands up for this one πŸ˜‚

βœ“   You’re not progressing with your Photoshop painting with no clear answer as to why.

βœ“   You are looking for a supportive, like-minded community of Photoshop painters.

βœ“   You’re tired of wasting time scouring the internet for the perfect tutorial to get your skills to the “next level”.

βœ“   You like to paint at your own pace without the pressures of a live streamed or in-person workshop.

βœ“   You can't rearrange your life (or perhaps even afford) to attend a college art class.

βœ“   You have no understanding of basic art principles, but a sincere desire to learn and become a better artist.

βœ“   Your ultimate desire is to create work that you love that truly reflects your inner artist.

How do I access Beyond the Brushes once I join?

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There’s nothing more frustrating than having to remember yet another website to login to.  While Beyond the Brushes is part of the Elevate Your Art online education family and is hosted on the elevateyourart.com website, in order to streamline your access to this unique program, you can simply go to:


Access is available on any device and you’ll be taken directly to the membership home page (you may be prompted to login using your elevateyourart.com credentials). From there you can access all the lessons and even the community!

Once you’ve downloaded the community mobile app to your device(s), you can simply click on the app to access the community at any time. The community is also easily accessible from a desktop computer.

It’s super simple!

Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Billing

Join the VIP waiting list now so you'll be one of the first to receive the enrollment application!