Learn from Michelle

Use It or Lose It

Young woman

“Creativity is contagious, pass it on.”

– Albert Einstein

Ever heard "the future is now?"

Not necessarily this particular phrase, but the thought of our impact on future generations is something that comes to mind frequently as a mother and as a teacher. The future of "life as we know it" is being made by each sequential decision, and the younger generations are looking on as observers of the decisions we make on their behalf. 

For art,...

I try to imbue the need for creativity rather than auto-generated renderings. Your brain works under the general rule of "use it or lose it."

In my way of thinking, we are all born with creativity, but we lose it because of lack of use. Whether it is fear holding you back or technological "advances" stifling your drive, if you aren't using it semi-regularly, you are losing it!

Though it may not seem like a big deal to lose creativity, it is a crisis in my mind. 

  • Creativity is how we have all of the inventions, advancements, and comforts of modern-day society.
  • Creativity is what puts food on the table, water in the pipes, and heat (or air conditioning) in your home.

Without creativity, the world would not be the same place. It wouldn't just be dull. It would be falling apart. 

So, forgive me for stepping up on my soapbox, but the future IS now. Our future generations are already here, and the ones making decisions for the future generations after them are watching us.

Choose wisely. Promote creativity, and don't let it be lost to machines.

example picture
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