Time Marches On

“Life is art. Art is life. I never separate it.” – Ai Weiwei
Time is one of the biggest constraints for people when it comes to doing art. Between work, home, and just regular life, it can feel like you have your nose to the grindstone. There is always something to be doing, and generally, that something doesn't involve art.
So, how do you ever have the time to accomplish any gains in your artwork?
It can seem like a daunting task to have to figure out how to carve out even more time. Do you take it from your home life? Work life? Chores? Sleep? Before we fall down that rabbit hole, stop, take a deep breath, and read on.
In my mind, there are two logical places to carve out time for art.
Art as a Profession
Art as a Hobby
So if carving out time is your issue, let's make the difficult changes.
- Set aside the tasks that don't actually need to get done right that minute
- Focus on improving
From my experience,
- Time will keep on marching
- The dishes will still be in the sink, and
- The other tasks of work, home, and life will be there
Take the time to invest in yourself and your artwork.

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