Learn from Michelle

Tap Into Your Powers

Young girl

"If we have received a precious gift from God, it is our imagination. When we tap into our powers of imagination, we are bombs of possibilities."

-Hiroko Sakai

For the most part, children have no fear when it comes to creating or putting on a show. Where does that bravery and imagination go when we are adults?

It's not something we lose all at once, but you can watch it go away as a child grows up. They start becoming more attentive to what other people's thoughts or feelings might be, which isn't necessarily a bad thing until you see it's not just in being careful about what and when to say or do something. It leaks over into what they do at all and what they let others see. They begin to show less and less of their creativity because maybe someone discouraged them or made fun of them. But as they show it less, they also tend to practice it less, giving up "childish" ways to prepare for the "grown up" world.

Young girl

 Hand-painted in Adobe Photoshop CC using a Wacom Intuos Pro and the Wacom Art Pen.

It squelches out the creativity,...

...compressing it down and shoving it into the recesses of the mind and the heart. But have you ever seen someone who decided to create and unleash every bit of it?

I have had the privilege to watch artists blossom, take risks, and create like they were meant to create. It is a beautiful and magical experience. 

So forget about what the negative Nellies say about artwork. Tap into your power and become the bomb of possibility you were meant to be.

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