Learn from Michelle

Skill Building Secret

Creative Heart
Want to improve your skills faster? Do I have a secret for you!?
But first, let's set some expectations. This isn't a method that makes you a master painter overnight or even in a few weeks. It will still take months and years of deliberate practice to achieve mastery, but it will help you fine-tune your skills much faster than the normal approaches.
Okay, are you ready for that secret now?
Restrict yourself! But what does that even mean?
Restrict how you can paint and what you can paint. Learning values? Only paint in black and white. Learning how to paint people? Do sessions of only drawing noses or eyes. Learning how to use a particular brush or tool? Do a painting with that as your only option.
By restricting yourself, you are narrowing your focus down to bite-size pieces. It reduces your form of creation and simplifies all the other potential variables. What you are focusing on is what you are actually trying to learn.
You just have to remember that when it comes to learning new things, how do you eat an elephant?
One bite at a time.
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