Learn from Michelle

Rufus Takes You Back

Rufus is a Liar
Rufus is the snooty, know-it-all, art critic that lives inside the mind of every artist.
August is usually a busy month. With the summer winding to a close, it's back to school, back to work, and back to reality. Rufus knows and takes advantage of each and every opportunity he has to take you back.
He will take you back to school full force, no matter what your age. There is always something new to be learned, whether by choice or by necessity. If it's by choice, Rufus will overwhelm you with the amount of things to learn to keep you hopping rather than learning. If it's by necessity, Rufus will get on your back and make you drag your feet or keep you frustrated the entire time. This keeps you frazzled and at your wit's end.
He will take you back to work with more to-do's than you ever remembered having before. The constant state of running will wear you down, and even though you know you need a break, Rufus will keep pushing you and pushing you until all you have left is exhaustion and fatigue. Certainly, no time or energy for painting.
He will take you back to the reality that not everything turns out perfect. I know I've talked about the paintings I've thrown away before, but oh, how Rufus will make you trash some paintings. He'll be there each step of the process whispering how what you're doing isn't turning out right, that you are no good at it, that you should just give up. So what time you do carve out to paint feels futile and a waste. out to paint feels futile and a waste.
Tell Rufus to shut his trap and take a hike! For the learning, make sure you are taking off bite-size pieces. For the work, set a schedule and stick to it as closely as you can. For the reality, keep in mind that everyone has been there, you are not alone, and life is far more meaningful, eventful, and normal with the struggle.
Everything is going to be okay. Just keep Rufus off your back and your mind in the right frame.
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