Learn from Michelle

Rufus Ruins Your Goals

Rufus is a Liar
Rufus is the snooty, know-it-all, art critic that lives inside the mind of every artist.
Setting achievable goals provides direction and motivation. It gives you a roadmap to success and a sense of purpose in your artistic journey. Rufus absolutely cannot allow this!
Rufus will tell you,
“You don’t need a goal. Just paint something!"
“Setting a goal will force you into a box and stifle your creativity.”
“You don’t need to learn that technique, it’s too complex.”
Despite the tricky insistence of Rufus, always remember that clarity in your goals leads to clarity in your actions.
Whether it’s improving your techniques, mastering a new medium, or landing your first gallery exhibition, setting specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound goals can make the difference between simply dreaming and actively creating the art of your dreams.
Make sure your goals challenge you but are realistic enough to keep you motivated. Otherwise, Rufus will hit you with his next tactic — overwhelm.
Nothing makes Rufus happier than saddling you with an insurmountable goal. You’ll find yourself completely frustrated and ready to quit rather than making progress.
Goals should be bite-size pieces, but Rufus will try to convince you to eat the whole elephant at once!
He is tricky like that.
Remember, goals are always about progress, not perfection. The more you can quiet the voice of Rufus, the easier accomplishing your goals will become.
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