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Rufus Kills the Joy

Rufus is a Liar
Rufus is the snooty, know-it-all, art critic that lives inside the mind of every artist.
Have you had those days that leave you feeling lower than the floor? What about lower than the dirt? It's like you're buried in the emotions of the day and can't come up for air.
Life has difficulties...those trials and tribulations that are heart-wrenching. They try to squeeze the very breath from your lungs, squash every beat of your heart, and trample any inkling of positivity that might crop up.
Rufus is keenly aware of when these times come, and he stands at the ready to jump on the back of that horse and ride it until you feel broken.
When this happens, Rufus's ultimate goal is to squash all of the joy out of your life and out of your work. He wants you to feel like you shouldn't and couldn't pick up a paintbrush again... But let me encourage you with this—our brains have intricate designs. Did you know that we can experience positive and negative emotions at the SAME time? Our brains have the capacity to process deep grief but also content joy.
Rather than sectioning off grief and all other negative emotions in one box and joy and all other positive emotions in another box, our brains can intermingle the emotions. Ever used the term bittersweet?
Emotions don't have to be separated into good and bad. There is an entire spectrum of feelings we can encounter, especially throughout the course of a day. Each day offers opportunities for good and for bad, but what we focus on is what we feel.
If you're having one of those rough days, rough weeks, or rough months, know that Rufus is holding your head to keep you focused on the bad. Reach out to your support group to get help removing his hands. Turn your attention to the good. Otherwise, Rufus will keep the pain in your neck and the hurt in your heart.
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