Rufus Causes Storms of Doubt

I love this quote from the artist, Robert Hughes...
"The greater the artist, the greater the doubt. Perfect confidence is granted to the less talented as a consolation prize."
Isn't that just the way it always goes?
It seems that every time I see an artist and their work leaves me speechless (and NOT in a good way) they seem to just ooze confidence. Almost obnoxiously so.
But the artists that take my breath away, the artists that make my heart skip a beat when I see their work. Those artists more often than not appear to struggle with confidence.
Have you ever followed an artist that was, shall we say, less than the most talented and yet oozed confidence long-term? I have. More often than not, they get stuck in a rut and never come out of it. Eventually, this leaves their work stagnant, repetitive, and uninteresting.
I'm fairly convinced that this is a more stealthy attack from Rufus. Even though these artists don't seem to be plagued with the constant stream of lies on repeat in their heads, the end result is the same, if not worse. Lack of growth, and sadly, artists in this category seem oblivious to this fact.
I hope you never find yourself in this category.
Every great artist has doubted his or her work at some point (the fantastically great ones seem to doubt at every point). The more you grow and spend time with your artwork, the more you may find yourself questioning if you made the right decisions in the creation process. We can be our own worst critics, but I think this actually serves a purpose in the long run.
Artistic growth and art that is vibrant and ever-evolving are the prizes.
Artistic growth does not come without some aches and pains. The more you doubt yourself, the more you should remind yourself that your art is growing and improving. Growing pains should be welcomed!
Surround yourself with positive and honest people. I promise you will make it through every storm of doubt Rufus sends your way.
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