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Rufus Attacks Your Love...And the Rest of Your Life

Do you know one of the worst things about Rufus?
Like one of the worst kinds of first dates, he is incessant and persistent. He forces his way into your life and tries to learn all of the intimate details about what makes you tick.
Then, like the narcissistic jerk that he is, he uses EVERYTHING against you!
It doesn't have to be about painting. It doesn't have to be about creativity. It doesn't have to be even anything about your work or work life.
Rufus knows no bounds and has no limits. He will attack you through people like your spouse, your children, your significant other, your friends, your parents, and the list goes on and on.
Even worse?
Since Rufus knows you (trust me, he KNOWS you), he customizes his attack to make it the perfect fit for you. Just a few ways I can see this in my life and in the lives of my students are:
✅ Guilt for not spending enough time with family
✅ Stress from feeling like you need to be everything to everyone
✅ Guilt for not having everything in order at the house
✅ Stress from being convinced you have to constantly be on the run doing something
✅ Guilt for not always being fully present at home
✅ Stress from wanting to give someone something other than a painting
The list can go on and on and on and on. The people that make your house your home, that make life a more beautiful place, and that make you a better person are also the ones that Rufus will ruthlessly use to attack you.
He will convince you you're not good enough for them, that you don't love them enough, that you're putting your work before them constantly - STOP. 🤚
The secret everyone knows yet everyone tries to hide is - NO ONE HAS THEIR LIFE TOGETHER!
Rufus isn't paying you enough to rent out all of your mental space with guilt and stress. He isn't paying you at all! He is a horrible tenant, and you need to kick him out!
The people you love and that love you WANT you to succeed and be happy. They don't want your life and mind to be consumed by stress and guilt.
So, when Rufus begins his attack, just tell him not to let the door hit him on the way out!
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