Learn from Michelle

Make Mistakes Well

Creative Heart


It is one of those dreaded, dirty words that no one likes to hear or experience. However, making mistakes is not only a commonality we share as humans but also a commonality to learning!

Ever heard "learn from your mistakes?"

Well, it turns out when our brains recognize we have made a mistake, they either ignore it or focus on it. In less than a second, we decide whether we are going to stay stagnant or grow. Now, there can be too much focusing on mistakes that doesn't let you get past them, so it's important to keep that healthy balance, where we look into our mistakes but don't let them determine our future.


Noting that caveat,...

 I want to go back to this idea of taking notice of mistakes. It is not the natural thing to do, and acknowledging them can be painful. Nevertheless, it is necessary to make the mistake, stop and take notice, and work towards correcting it.

In doing this, we learn several lessons:

So, next time you make a mistake, stop, recognize, learn, and make it well.


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