Learn from Michelle

Judicious Imitation


“Originality is nothing but judicious imitation.” – Voltaire

 Have you ever caught that near-perfect image? The one where either someone (or something) photobombs it or where not everyone manages to smile AND have their eyes open? What about one where the clothes have A LOT of patterning or beading? The list can go on and on of photos that would almost be perfect to paint straight from the original.

Frustrating, right?

When you're practicing and learning, it is okay to be married to the original (That's what legally obtained stock images are for. You can search out exactly what you want.) But let me encourage you that as you grow and progress, don't bind yourself to the original. 

Sisters painted

Remove or change the background entirely, alter the expression, soften the edges, change the clothes, create a composite, or even start with just an idea in your mind and go from there. The options for opportunities to create are endless.

You just have to let your creativity flow and see where the paint takes you. It's not about recreating the image in front of you. It's about creating something with judicious imitation.

Hand-painted in Adobe Photoshop CC using the Wacom Intuos Pro and the Wacom Art Pen.

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