It's Okay to Be Dramatic

Has anyone ever called you dramatic? This used to almost be an effective insult, but if you are dramatic, let me tell you how you're at an advantage!
It turns out drama is a great way to learn, but that might not be as counterintuitive as you think. When you were learning new words as a child, how did you learn them? I don't know about you, but it seemed everyone in the house was "hooked on phonics" anytime a child was learning to speak or read. 😂 Words were not just sounded out but over exaggerated to help the child understand. And you know what, I don't remember a single person stopping to say we were being dramatic.
Huh...that's weird.
Now, if I over pronounce words, I get funny looks. So, what changed?
This is another "adulthood" barrier to over. We don't want to feel silly, but to really learn a technique, it's actually better to over exaggerate it and really get the feeling for it. You want to do the motion in slow motion, you want to make the big brushstrokes, you want to over do whatever it is you're trying to learn.
By doing this, you are actually training your brain just like it was when you were learning to speak, read, write, or do anything as a child! It still works no matter how old your brain is or may feel. Then, after you do the exaggerating, you can start fine-tuning the technique to add it to your tool belt as a skill.
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