Learn from Michelle

Insulate Your Circuit

Creative Heart
Need motivation to do that practice paint again? Did you know that you can find that motivation in science? And boy howdy, thanks to my husband and boys, do I have the analogy for you! 😜
Ever seen someone use or used electrical tape? Do you know what the primary purpose is? INSULATION!
Why do I care about this? Well, when you use electrical tape to insulate wires, you are helping to prevent leakage of the electrical current from the appropriate path. Thus, keeping the current going in the right direction.
Your brain has something similar called myelin. Myelin insulates your nerves. In addition to insulating and keeping everything on track, it also has a special feature of increasing the speed of signals. What does this mean, and why does it matter?
Well, that means that myelin can protect your nerves, speed up communication, and keep the strength of the original signal in tact. Are you catching my drift? This stuff is fantastic! So, how do we get more?
Over our lifetime we actually GROW more myelin, but this can be a double-edged sword. On one hand, it helps us improve our skills, and on the other, it makes it hard to get rid of bad habits. This is why it is important to practice correctly, but if you are practicing correctly, this is your motivation to practice.
You can't just imagine and grow myelin. You have to actively be working, striving, and practicing, to increase myelin and help establish those correct pathways.
So, rather than begrudgingly picking up that practice paint again, think about it this way - you are actively growing myelin, you are actively making progress, and you are actively elevating your art.
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