Born to Be Creative

“Everybody born comes from the Creator trailing wisps of glory. We come from the Creator with creativity. I think that each one of us is born with creativity.” – Maya Angelou
Now, I know this goes against every momma's feelings about her child, but did you know there is nothing special about artists?
😲😱 Yup. I said it.
There is nothing special about being able to draw, paint, make things with your hands, or work in any other medium.
But what do I mean by special?
A lot of times, people chalk up being an artist to having some innate ability and only certain people are born with it. Honestly, I think that plays a role in why AI has become such a popular thing these days, but I'll save that soapbox for another day.
For today's soapbox (😅), I want to focus on the idea that you have to be "special" to be an artist. That is a lie and a half, and it is one that we often tell ourselves to keep from taking the leap into our creativity. But I know that is easy for me to say being an artist, so I will make my case a little differently than most.
You see, you don't have to be an artist to have a craft. There are many professions that have a craft, and they don't use a pencil or a paintbrush to accomplish their work. So, what is creativity anyway?
Rather than worrying over the definition, let's look at some synonyms. There are three in particular that come to mind: cleverness, innovativeness, and ingenuity. Now, you may have different associations with these words, but these are mine from my personal experience.
My point is...
We are all born with creativity in us. We just use different mediums, but if what the world has defined as art is what calls to you, take the plunge. You won't regret it.
You don't need to be special to be an artist. You just need to be willing and persistent.

Hand-painted in Adobe Photoshop CC using the Wacom Intuos Pro and the Wacom Art Pen.
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