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Back to the Mundane

Portrait of girl behind hair

“Creativity is more than just being different. Anybody can plan weird; that’s easy. What’s hard is to be as simple as Bach. Making the simple, awesomely simple, that’s creativity.”

– Charles Mingus

I have a confession.
Sometimes...I don't feel like doing anything. 😲
Yup. Sometimes, the energy bus runs out of gas, and I can't seem to get myself back up and going. I don't want to paint. I don't want to teach. I don't want to review or critique.
Sounds like I'm being a negative Nelly, doesn't it? Why would I not want to do all of the things that I love and enjoy to do?
Well, did you know it is actually healthy to take breaks? 😱 WHAT?!? You mean in a world of go, go, go, go, go, we need breaks?
Boy howdy, do we need breaks exactly because of that! We've grown to expect immediate communication, immediate action, and immediate gratification, and sometimes, our brains just can't keep up anymore. They need a break to go back to the basics.
So what are those basics? Personally, I enjoy going back to the "mundane" in life, and let me tell you about my wonderful, little, "mundane," life.
Girl in black tank top


  • Going Outside - Getting back to the earth to the animals, that's my happy place. The chickens, pigs, cows, and dogs are a haven of rest even though I am having to physically labor. It doesn't have to be farming that recharges you and rests your brain. It can be a hike, going to the local park, just walking in your neighborhood, playing with your pet, or something else where you get outside and soak up some sunshine. I promise. You'll be better off for it.
  • Books - I try to always have something to read nearby, and losing myself in a book, even though I'm using my brain, is just something different. Someone else had to do the thinking and write it down, and now, I'm in the position of either the audience to the story or the student of the lesson.
  • Journal - Yes, I am one of those "write it down" people. Whether it is what I need to get done, what I want to get done, or just some thoughts throughout the day, journaling grounds me, gets me away from the computer, and offers a soothing adventure through my racing thoughts.
  • Friends - I'm lucky to have a small inner circle of friends to reach out to when I need a reboot. Talking to them and hearing about their lives, their most recent wins, and their challenges is something that allows me to get out of my head and be there for someone else. I want to say it is almost universal that doing things for others makes you feel better. It's not done selfishly. It's done with love, care, and concern about their lives and well-being, and who better to do for than those who are by your side through thick and thin? We've had so many intellectual and silly conversations that it is a familiar space where anything can come up and be discussed to just get away for a while.
  • Music - Something about playing music (probably slightly above the recommended volume) gives release. It is a symphony that brings you back into inner harmony with each guitar string, each piano key, and each word.
  • Chores - The dreaded word for every child and almost every adult, but when I need a break, hemming curtains, washing dishes, cooking, and the other mundane tasks of life kind of whisk you away to a simpler world and simpler time. They can be a nice break while also being productive.
  • TV - 😬 Yes, I do watch TV or at least listen to it. Raising 4 kids meant I was used to a house filled with noise. Quiet meant something was wrong. 😅 So, TV playing in the background or enjoying an old classic for a little while helps me to escape.

That's a LOT about me and my "mundane" life, but in order to fully enjoy the magnificent in life, sometimes, you have to go back to the mundane.

Hand-painted in Adobe Photoshop CC using the Wacom Intuos Pro and the Wacom Art Pen.
Painted portrait
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