Artistic Stepping Stones

Say this with me, "Mistakes are good." Did saying it hurt a little?
That is because society has trained you to believe that mistakes are bad. Mistakes are inadequacy. Mistakes are...well...mistakes. But what if we changed the way we looked at mistakes?
In our last #CreativeHeart, I talked about how our brain can take notice of mistakes in a healthy way. Noticing the mistakes and correcting them is essential in the learning process! In fact, you learn more from the mistake than you do getting it right the first time!
Think of it like lassoing a bull. If you throw the lasso and the rope falls short or doesn't maintain form until it reaches the bull, you miss! Do we just ignore things like that, or do we throw the lasso again?
Sometimes with art, it is easier to ignore the mistake and keep on trucking, but just like missing the bull with the lasso, the consequences can be critical! It is crucial to notice the mistake, take ownership for that split second, correct yourself, and move forward.
Instead of viewing it as a mistake, view it as making sure that rope is good and secure around the challenge you're trying to lasso. Because the reality is that mistakes are stepping stones, not stumbling blocks. We make them into stumbling blocks by ignoring them and keeping them in practice rather than correcting them when they arise.
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