A Powerful Tool

Now, this is the tip that at least every parent has been waiting to hear. Want to know the effort-free way you can improve your ability to learn and retain information?
Whaaaaaaaaaat? 🤯
You might think I'm joking, but did you know that some of the most respected minds in history for their advancements in art, science, business, politics, etc. were nappers?
Now, I'm not talking about just any kind of nap. I'm talking about a power nap. Sounds better, right?
These weren't naps that lasted for hours. They can range from 90 minutes down to even 1 second for some of the great thinkers! But the point of it is to let your mind rest, to let it make connections, and to prepare it for what it is about to do.
Everyone is going to have a different time amount of time that revitalizes them and gets them ready to tackle the next task or lesson, but whatever that is for you, I suggest you figure it out and make it happen. I think you'll be shocked at the results.
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