Learn from Michelle

Desire of the Heart

Charcoal dog


“Imagination is the beginning of creation. You imagine what you desire, you will what you imagine, and at last, you create what you will.”

– George Bernard Shaw


Now, I'll have to disagree with Mr. Shaw's first statement here. You see, his second statement says, "You imagine what you desire." Let me put his words a little differently.

  • What you hold in your heart, you will think about consistently.
  • What you think about consistently, you will work toward.
  • What you work toward, you will do.

Am I making some sense here?

Imagination wasn't the first step. It was holding it in your heart (or desire). You can imagine being anything, but if you don't desire it, you won't set off the chain of events to achieve it. It would just be a passing thought.

Desire is key in any person's journey toward becoming who they want to be. It's what encourages you to take the first step. It's what pushes you through the hard times. It's what satisfies your heart when you have accomplished it.
And doesn't it make more sense that your heart is satisfied when it is accomplished? The process is coming full circle, and the piece of you that dreamed it up is the piece that first participates in the rejoicing.
Hand-painted in Adobe Photoshop CC using the Wacom Intuos Pro and the Wacom Art Pen.
Charcoal dog
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